About Me

Name Kel/Soop/Kat (any is fine)
Age 25+
Birthday December 7︎
Zodiac ♐︎ sun, ♌︎ moon, ♊︎ rising, Earth tiger
Pronouns she/her
Gender My xenogender hoard >:3
Species Orange tabby cat
Occupation American Studies PhD Student
Alignment Chaotic good
Handedness Left
Strength ☆☆☆☆☆
Perception ★☆☆☆☆
Endurance ★☆☆☆☆
Charisma ★★★★☆
Intelligence ★★★★☆
Agility ★☆☆☆☆
Luck ★★★★★

    Fun facts:

    I am left handed

    I love making battle jackets

    I minored in Medieval Studies in undergrad

    I made a vision board for the first time for 2025

    I'm trying to grow my hair to hip length

    I have 5 tattoos

    The last I checked my vision was 20/500 so probably worse now

    I live with my beautiful husband <3

    My favorite:

    Color: Yellow/pink
    Foods: Jiaozi, zhajiangmian, mushroom pepperoni pizza, brie, chocolate cheesecake, mapo tofu, sushi, popcorn, vanilla bean ice cream, it goes on...
    Smells: Vanilla, cinnamon, pumpkin spice, I love gourmand smells
    Flowers: Orchid, jacaranda, lily of the valley
    Animals: All types of cats, capybaras, rabbits, sea bunnies, snails, slugs
    Movies: Too many to name, you can view my personal movie canon here
    Movie directors: Andrei Tarkovsky, Aki Kaurismaki, Pedro Almodovar
    Music genres: Folk, bossa nova, cumbia, melodic death metal, picopop, Eurobeat
    Video games: Crusader Kings III, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Wii (series) games, Pokemon, Mario Party, Jackbox games, Overcooked, Animal Crossing

You can also find me here:

Toyhouse (not super active)

My older website can be accessed here! I initially created it after a rough period of my life and no longer identify with it in whole; I will no longer be updating it, but decided instead to archive it as it meant a lot to me at the time!

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