Every time someone hates xenogenders I add another :3

Flags in order:
clovergender / orange catic / sprinkle cat gender / cutegender / catgender / vanillagender / funfetti cakegender / chocogender / nyancattic / heartcookiegender / flangender / gingerplushcatgender / cakegender / vanilcupflavic / fetticupflavic / ^_^ gender / pusheencatgender / cosmic brownie gender / alien catgender / vanillacatgender / frutigerogender / christmascookiegender / confetticatgender / rainbowcat / caramacchiatic / :3gender / affecticatian / plushgender / birthdaygender / stuffedcatgender / coconutgender / mintchocoicecreamgender / pancakepusheenplushic

In all seriousness, xenogender is considered a non-binary identity and umbrella term for genders that are not exactly in relation to traditional male/female/masculine/feminine metrics, including androgyny. In my eyes, gender is a sociocultural category that creates ways of being, understanding oneself, and being understood. You've probably heard it said that "gender is a construct", which of course is true - it is entirely constructed by one's surrounding culture and/or the culture they grew up in. That isn't to discount the meaning or weight that social constructs have on us as people - we are social creatures after all! Nevertheless, to me I see xenogender as just one piece of all the things that make me the person I am - the images, symbols, and so forth that I identify with, which is so much of who we are.